In December, Gauahar Khan pleasantly shocked her followers by announcing her pregnancy with a cute animated Instagram photo. A magnificent baby shower was held for their close friends and family a few months later by the actress and her husband, Zaid Darbar. On Sunday, several television stars, including Mahhi Vij, Gautam Rode, and Pankhuri Awasthy, were present at the celebration. Social media users have posted pictures and videos from the ceremony that show the soon-to-be parents smiling with joy as they get ready to welcome a new family member.
While throwing a lavish baby shower on Monday, April 30, Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar were seen in the city. At the event, Gauahar showed off her baby bump while looking stunning in a maxi dress with a multicoloured floral pattern. Zaid, on the other hand, looked sharp with white trousers and a colourful striped shirt. The newlyweds smiled and posed for pictures while looking lovely.
On a personal level, Gauahar Khan married Zaid Darbar in December 2020, and the pair revealed that they were expecting their first child in December 2022.